March is around the corner, that means Samuel will turn to 2 soon. But we has yet to decide where to celebrate his birthday. Hmmm....clearly, we need an idea of it, the theme, the venue, the people to invite, and most important is the BUDGET $$$$...khacing!!!..khacing!!!..khacing!!!!..
as last year the theme is ROCK STAR!! clearly well organized..but for this year?????...would it be outdoor or would be nice to make it at outdoor but seems the weather has became the main factor now...if it indoor, but where's the perfect places??...
Looking at Marissa birthday batch recent was so nice, almost perfect...perfect venue, perfect theme, just not at the right time..even it was heavy rain but yet the birthday has ended nicely..
theme...theme..theme...what would it be..cartoons?? again..ohh so last year...i need new and fresh follow2 other...hehehe...jungle?? so costly..BPL/sports?? think its too Marissa done's's not an easy..
games/activities..what kind of it?? many games needed?? gift...door issue...nowdays easy to find with cheaper package...huhuhuh
well...would i go for like McD, KFC,Pizza Hut...everything is organize by them..just came and enjoy our self...hmm...let's see...