it's a bowling weekend..yeay!!!...while daddy and Samuel having fun..mommy take care of Aryll..pss, padalah mommy takut bola masuk Aryll dok wondering ape laa org2 nie semua dok jerit2...baling bola jer jerit..kejap2 jerit..hehe..
it was a good explosure to Samuel...and a good experiance..1st time tuu!!!..punye lah happy bile dpt "stike".. tgk die nyer strike celebration tu!!...siap angkat tangan...( ikut org lane sebelah)..hahaha...
we oull main kt OU jer..maklum laa dekat ngan rumah..lg pn daddy x suke masuk KL, menambah sesak kotaraya katenye..hahaha..well i believe uolls could guess what the scores would be..but it doesnt metter for the 1stt timer...hehehehe...