Friday, November 1

My Atok & Wan

My atok and my wan is the most warmest person and have a good heart too. We really love them so much.

My atok is my real hero.I adore him so much...I would love to spent time together with him...sometimes he is so funny and he teach me how to play his favorite games, bring me to ride his motorbike and take bath with me...I loves his jokes.I dunno what else we do together..but its too hard to describe how much I love him.He is very nice and always give me an advice. He has years of wisdoms to tackle any query, question or fact of life.

My wan also nice to me.She is so beautiful and heartwarming too. I don't take a lot of picture with them to share here.

My mommy and daddy has arranged a special dinner for them at Carcosa to celebrate Wan birthday. Enjoy the picture.

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