Wednesday, September 10

Kidzania Trip with CIC

This year CIC has arranged a school trip to Kidzania. KidZania is an indoor family edutainment centre which offers an interactive learning and entertainment experience for kids in a kid-sized city to deliver the first-of-its-kind edutainment fun. KidZania experience is about real-life experiences, empowering, inspiring and educating kids through role-play. We start the trip at 9.00am till 4.30pm.

The school bus took me and my friends from CIC to Kidzania. We has been divided to a small group so that teacher can easily monitor us. My group start the experience with the Fire Truck. Then we move to Marry Brown and make our own burger. Then we start to develop and painting our own car.

Ariel also join the trip with his playschool friends. He start to do the drawing and become a kid’s model. He enjoy the trip so much even though he still small and can’t do a lot of things.

Tuesday, September 9

Hello 2014!!!

I know I know! Long overdue post! What can we say? We 've been busy with a lots of thing. I’m gonna start with a summary. Fast forward 9 months after my last post, I am still very much happily kid and daddy is getting us a new house soon so I’m loving him even more these days..hehehe..My family are in good health and I thank Allah everyday for this.

I has been in preschool for almost 2 years now and seen improvement in my everyday socializing skills although I'm still very very shy around strangers. I’m the complete opposite at home, very loud, talks non-stop, always jumping and running. I wish I could combine these two very different personalities and create one perfect Samuel.

Shazriel is already 3 years old and he is still the calm and darling brother that he is. I have so many things to share about Shazriel but maybe later. Shazriel also has been in preschool same with me for almost a year now. A lots of improvement on him. Alhamdulillah, he can talk a lots now with a new words that sometimes very surprised us.


And to make us happier is mommy getting pregnant and almost 21 weeks now. Mommy, daddy, me and Ariel are very happy when we received the good news. We wish mommy will be strong and always calm to go through her 9 months pregnancy.

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