Tuesday, November 30

Abeng Open Table..hooorayyy!!!!!

after almost the whole day spending our time at uitm for mommy graduation day...Abeng has "open table" for all of us since tok umi were here too...forgot the name of restaurant...it located at Bandar Sri Damansara..

it's a Chinese Muslim restaurant where the food are the Chinese style..and soooooo delicious...thanks Abeng!!!!...next time we all belanja you pulak..hehehe...

p/s: pics ehsan dari blog kakak ain..http://ainsarahkhadijah.blogspot.com/2010/11/makan-makan-abeng-open-table.html

Wednesday, November 24

Masuk hospital lg...due to finger injury

smlm masuk hospital lagi..sob..sob..this time my finger lak injured..sampai kene jahit laa..dlm 20 jahitan but using benang halus...it was tragic..i was about to slide down to floor and i holding the sharp wall and scratch my finger...blood is everywhere...

daddy + mommy took me to clinic immediately and refer to KJMC later..minor surgery were implemented that night and it took 1 hour to finish it...bius satu badan aka kene tido..so tak rase lah sakit mase kene jahit...

anyway thanks to dr.bazam for treat me very well...:)

injured2 gak..main tetap main..

hello doctor...bile saya boleh discharge??...boring dah nie..

Thursday, November 11

Mummy's Master Convocation Day..

yeah..yeah..mommy graduated..now it's official she is MASTER holder...me and daddy are happy for her...mmg berbaloi bgn pepagi utk pegi convo mommy...actually pagi tu pn dh terlambat...nk keja masa nyer pasal daddy bawak kete cm michael schumacher...nasib baik xder pit..klu x sure masuk pit tuka tayar jap..hahaaha..

tp kesian mommy sbb x sempat beli bfast pagi tu...tok umi, mak su, atok,wan, pakngah n cuna were there too..lama gile tuggu mommy sampai tertido..after done the graduation event, we took a studio pictures..and some of pics at uitm museum...it was tired day for us..but it was worth it..

mommy was so lucky coz the cert was presented by Agong..i'm so proud for her..congrats mommy...lov u...

enjoy the pics...

Saturday, November 6

Enjoy at Genting Highland...with Kakak Ain and Muhammad..

that morning..everybody wake-up early as there was something is happening...but nothing has planned..suddenly, daddy said "jom gi genting..ajak pak lah ngan nani"..erkk mommy with her weirdo action...hehehe...

then, ayah cik has agreed to join us and meet up at BHP gombak..we were there at afternoon and had our lunch at KFC..after that ape lagi...enjoy laa...a lots of games were played..and we also go to snow world..this is my 1st time into the freeze environment...hehe...it was so cold..the temp at that time is -2 degree Celsius..

there was no jacket, boots, and glove for my size but who care..i just wore it..hehe..it's look like penguin, ayahciok said..we play the snow as it a real snow..and it was really fun..we took some picture with the photographer...and some of illegal snap too by ayahcik...heehe...

45 minutes inside were like 10 minutes..i can't enjoy much coz it was so freezy..but i hope i could be at the real snow..:P...it took almost a day up there..and we went back at 10pm...it was really fun..thank you to kak ain and muhammad for accompany me..:)

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