Thursday, November 11

Mummy's Master Convocation Day..

yeah..yeah..mommy it's official she is MASTER and daddy are happy for her...mmg berbaloi bgn pepagi utk pegi convo mommy...actually pagi tu pn dh terlambat...nk keja masa nyer pasal daddy bawak kete cm michael schumacher...nasib baik xder pit..klu x sure masuk pit tuka tayar jap..hahaaha..

tp kesian mommy sbb x sempat beli bfast pagi tu...tok umi, mak su, atok,wan, pakngah n cuna were there too..lama gile tuggu mommy sampai tertido..after done the graduation event, we took a studio pictures..and some of pics at uitm was tired day for us..but it was worth it..

mommy was so lucky coz the cert was presented by Agong..i'm so proud for her..congrats mommy...lov u...

enjoy the pics...

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