Sunday, December 12

Happy Birthday Mommy..

Olaa..yesterday was mommy's birthday..however, to make sure that we're the first to wished..we're celebrated it a day earlier..hahahha..actually, daddy has planned surprise for mommy...but i was so into the cake and can't wait to eat it..

Daddy pn tak boleh nk buat aper...except makes it + daddy bough some flower + cakes + birthday card for took about 2 hour but kiteorg ckp ngan mommy nk pegi beli bfast..hehehe..

punye lah lama mommy tggu..kesian die..but it was worst it..mommy was so surprise even it was a day earlier..hehehe..

this is our wish that wrote by daddy in the birthday card..

Dear Mommy,

From the bottom of our heart,
Tq for being our "mommy",
U Take care of us,
U give a smile on our faces,
U makes our life easier,
U makes everything simple for us,
U take the burden away from us,
U gives shine in our lives,
U are everything,
U are wonderfull,
U are our world,
U are our sunshine,
U are world best mommy,
U are world best wife to daddy,
On these very day,
On ur special day,
Let's us cheer U up,
Let's us take U up,
Let's us make u know,
That nobody could ever, hundred ever, thousand ever, million ever, trillion ever and infinity ever...
Could make us the way you do..:)..

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!!!'ll never been old as your age..

Samuel & Daddy..XOXO..

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