Saturday, November 26

Samuel on bowling...while Aryll was wondering..

it's a bowling weekend..yeay!!!...while daddy and Samuel having fun..mommy take care of Aryll..pss, padalah mommy takut bola masuk Aryll dok wondering ape laa org2 nie semua dok jerit2...baling bola jer jerit..kejap2 jerit..hehe..

it was a good explosure to Samuel...and a good experiance..1st time tuu!!!..punye lah happy bile dpt "stike".. tgk die nyer strike celebration tu!!...siap angkat tangan...( ikut org lane sebelah)..hahaha...

we oull main kt OU jer..maklum laa dekat ngan rumah..lg pn daddy x suke masuk KL, menambah sesak kotaraya katenye..hahaha..

well i believe uolls could guess what the scores would be..but it doesnt metter for the 1stt timer...hehehehe...

Monday, October 31

Cukur Jambul - Sheth Shazriel

enjoy some of the photos at the "Cukur jambul" Aeryll..

Wednesday, October 5

"bell-man" self service

we're having ssoooo mmuuccchhhh fun being hotel guest "bell-man"...hahahah..

Sunday, September 25

Media Prima Raya Open House 2011

Some of the pictures of MIS staff with arabian costume as the MPB Raya Open House 2011 theme...everybody enjoying it!!!..

Wednesday, September 7

studio photoshot

our first experience photo-shot in studio..yet this is the best we could get as Eamyll doesn't feeling so good and the session has been cut short to 15 minutes..but we still satisfied with the outcome :)

Friday, September 2

Mandi Laut Lagi!!!..

yeay mandi laut lagi!!! Pekan,Pahang..see how happy Eamyll is...hehehe

Monday, March 14

Shogun, One Utama

org ckp..mknana kt shogun ni byk pilihan...since me and daddy x penah sampai mommy took us there yesterday..

well it's a buffet restaurant..same goes to "SeoulGarden"..but Shogun's more varieties..mcm astro (macam2 ada..) name it, semua ada...sushi, tempura, nasi, lauk, soup, pizza, ice-cream, bubur, cakes + deserts...macam2 drinks...and many more..

mmg letih mkn kt sana..sampai kembung perut dibuatnye..hehe..enjoy some of the pics below and for more picture..

AEON, JJ Setiawangsa

ari tu we JJ at setiwangsa..daddy nk carik bucket for adek..since the bucket ni jual kt any JJ kt m'sia nie and after few JJ pegi tp still x jumpe....daddy decided to try at JJ Setiawangsa...

setibenye kt sana..amat lah terkejut coz it was not a bad mall at all..paling menarik tgk budak2 main ait pancut...menyebabkn Sameul geram jer nk join...hehhee...all the kids having their fun kt situ..selepas risik2, rupenye parents yg bwk anak dorang main kt situ, semuanye bwk baju spare..huhu...

nk dijdkn last, x jumpe gak bucket tu..huuhu...melepas laaa lagi..anyway, do enjoy some of the pics below..for complete pictures..please view it here..

or please view my daddy flickr at

Saturday, March 12

My New Ride, Mini Cooper

yeeehaaaa....i've got mini cooper for my 2nd birthday....what a dream came true...:-)

Friday, March 4

New shoe: converse high cut sneakers

yeay!!!...dpt gift baru...converse high cut sneakers..lawa x??...

lawa kn???..hehe

now me and daddy..kiteorg pakai converse...:p

gile happy dapat kasut baru...hehehe..

Dinner @ ICEROOM...

Mummy buying us dinner at ICEROOM yesterday...bila ckp ICE for sure you'll aspect it's an icecream restaurant. well you're wrong...macam2 ada..hehe..the menu here quite interesting and the food quite term of pricing, mmg berpatutan...

well, to see what have we ordered...scroll your mouse down...

posing maut anak dan bapak..ehehe

the restaurant entrance..

me with my posing style..

mushroom with garlic bread..

this one mmg peanut ice-cream..if i'm not mistaken..

mummy's dishes...noodle with black paper chicken..

daddy's paper chicken chop..

best...rugi klu u'ols x try...this one mmg i recommend...

Monday, February 28

Santapan Petang Sajian Mummy

Petang semalam kami sangat mengantuk...mungkin cuaca yg agak sepoi2 bahasa membuatkan daddy n aku tertidur petang tu...namun begitu...jeng...jeng...jeng...

mummy menjalankan projek khas di dapur...hehehe...die buat minum petang utk kiteorg..punyelah menarik...die buat cucur and sandwich...mmg terangkat...klu x percaya, tgk lah gamba bwh nie..huhuhuh

haaa...mantap kn???!!!...die masak, die snap gamba nie...multitask x??....hehehe..:p

Sunday, February 27

Flying Chillies, The Gardens Midvalley

yesterday, we went to The Garden, Midvalley to meet up uncle Nizam..then we went for lunch at restaurant name Flying's a siam's food restaurant..and we decided to have a lunch overthere...

to know the menu that we ordered..please help your self to scroll down..hehehe..

tomyam seafood..


pandan chicken...

yummy...the food so delicious...

daddy with pose segan2 konon...huhuh

steam siakap...this one mmg nice...

picture view of all dishes..

and for desert...cendol!!!!...

yeay!!!...we've done eating..let's go home..daddy nk keje petang nanti..hehehe
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