Monday, March 14

AEON, JJ Setiawangsa

ari tu we JJ at setiwangsa..daddy nk carik bucket for adek..since the bucket ni jual kt any JJ kt m'sia nie and after few JJ pegi tp still x jumpe....daddy decided to try at JJ Setiawangsa...

setibenye kt sana..amat lah terkejut coz it was not a bad mall at all..paling menarik tgk budak2 main ait pancut...menyebabkn Sameul geram jer nk join...hehhee...all the kids having their fun kt situ..selepas risik2, rupenye parents yg bwk anak dorang main kt situ, semuanye bwk baju spare..huhu...

nk dijdkn last, x jumpe gak bucket tu..huuhu...melepas laaa lagi..anyway, do enjoy some of the pics below..for complete pictures..please view it here..

or please view my daddy flickr at

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