Tuesday, January 4

mytv3 Day Out at Sunway Lagoon

Ahad lepas, we went to Sunway Lagoon for mytv3 Day Out. Daddy dapat 5 tiket from his friend. so, daddy "angkut" sekali cicik and cuna..paklang last minute cancel sbb ada hal lain ngan kak mas..besa laa org bercinta..huhuh..

kiteorg sampai around 9.30am and terus check in..x sangka dpt jumpa danish n haziq gak..heheh..maklum lah auntie ani and daddy work at the same place..pas check-in terus amik seat cepat2 sbb x nk jd cm mase family day daddy..kiterog x dpt seat..huhu

dpt 2 seat lg..heheh..since team park tu x open lg..so kiteorg pose dulu..che wah!!!..

happy x terhingga katekn..senyumku sampai ke telinga..hahah

since x leh main air and mummy lak dh tuka kn baju siap2..kite main pasir dulu...yeeehaaa..

bile dh boleh main..ape lain..kiter serbu...ops..org kuat tv3 pn ada..huhuh

brother magic ni pn ada gak..

and yg x disangka2..upin n ipin pn ada..best...best..best..

mytv3 members pn dihiburkan oleh 3 pemenang idola kecik..mmg best suara dorang nie..then kiteorg balik kol 2.30pm...and setiba nya kt rumah semua collapse..kepenatan...hehehe

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