Thursday, October 24

Muhammad Sheth Shazriel name is Muhammad Sheth Shazriel.I was the latest edition in my family.Now I'm 2 years 3 months already...there is not much story about me because I was to shy to be popular in this blog...hehehe..Let me introduce myself k..I was born on 22 July 2011 at Kelana Jaya Medical Centre.

At 3 months old, I can crawl like a worm and trying to master of sitting without any help.My first teeth has occured at this month.

At 5 months old, I can start shouting and laughing with my heart.I start to drive my walker too.This month I can sit without support.

At 10 months, my first step moment.I can stand without hold anything.I learn to walk and manage to climb without help.

At 1 year's old, nothing much to update because Alhamdulillah I has achieved all my infancy milestones.I can run and kick the ball at 11 months.I able to match my own baby talk words such as susu, mama, didi, tata and no.

Now I'm still learn to talk, understand the word and becomes more choosy in my food.I'm very friendly with adult and kids.I love to play and bullying my brother.

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