Sunday, April 4

Supper @ Kg Baru Chop 'n' Steak

Daddy was really mad yesterday..he said “dah lah MU kalah..order pizza 2 jam x sampai2 lg”..hahahah..his favorite has loss chelsea yesterday...hehehe...because of waiting for the pizza, he also haven’t took a shower...lg lah die tension..

Then, he decided took us for dinner at it dinner or supper?? Hhuhuhu...he took us to kampung baru chop ‘n’ steak...i was sleeping all the way from home to kg baru...when i woke up there’s a big ship in front of me...hehehe...

Mummy n daddy had their western food for the supper while i’m having chicken sup and garlic break..the taste was so should try...if you want to know where the place just ask my daddy by post a comment here...heheheh..

On the way back daddy bought me “sponge bob square pants” toy..and the color of the it same as my clothes color..hehehe...

Enjoy the pics...

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