Friday, April 2

me @ Shah Alam Mosque

Later this evening…we when to “Masjid Shah Alam”..this is my 1st time being there. I was so impressed to see the mosque coz it so big…I’ve never been in such mosque…hehehe…I tough at first it’s a new shopping complex but then I realize it after daddy took us to “wuduk” area…there’s a lots of ppl there..from kiddo like me to pak haji n mak haji..hehehe..

There is also so call “pasar mini”, they sell kopiah, songkok, telekung, nuts and many more…*ikutkan hati nk mintak daddy belikn songkok baru…hehehe…

Then daddy took us to praying was so huge!!!!…there’s ppl too in there..they were listening to “tazkirah”…the moment I lay down…aaaahhhhh…it feels so comfortable..sedapnye baring kt sini…huhuhuh….while daddy praying, I took a chance to “menjajah kawasan persekitaran”..hehehe…
Well…enjoy the best moment of me at the mosque….

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