Wednesday, July 28

Letter to My Son

Dear My Hero,

I wanna thank you for making Mummy & Daddy so Happy everday.
Every morning you will always waking Mummy & Daddy up with your talking,
You always make me laugh with your cute smile, your laugh and your cry.
You are my super hero…stay the best as you are now!

As you are completely reliant on me, I will do all I can to protect you and help you grow. You are a part of me and this is our special time. I must respect you as an individual, as a little person with your own interests and calling in your life.

My son, I am so sorry that sometimes I’m feel so tired to catch my life when you are come. I was wrong to despise our special relationship now. Please forgive me and be assured that I trully appreciate the bond we have now. I want you to know that you are safe and very welcome in my life. We will always be there for you when you need us.

My son, you are such a considerate child. You came at the most suitable time. I am now more mature and ready to raise a human being in my life. Daddy works very hard and have achieved some financial stability to give you a reasonably comfortable life. But remember, thrift is something we place a lot of weight on in our family. And we have to bear in mind that all things come from Allah.

My son, you are a good child. Mummy don’t had a rough time for the first 6 months you came. Mummy feeling more better everyday and every time. I am healthy, energetic and happy. I’m sure that this is the way you tell Mummy that you love me too.
We are so happy to have you.

You are a gift from Allah. Tok Ummi, uncles and aunties care a lot about you too. You don’t have to be hardworking like Daddy or be super smart like Mummy or be a popular as your uncle and aunties. Just be yourself and be happy. Know that you are loved no matter what. In all that you do, remember Allah is with you. Allah will guide you and give you strength.


Auntie Norul & Uncle Khalish Reception

enjoy a pic's of daddy and mummy re-unite with their old buddies. after few years loss contact, now they were back together like their recent years...remembering back the old moment....and celebrating their friend who get married..

Tuesday, July 27

An evening with Kakak Ain

check out our latest photos when me and kakak ain spend time together...we play games, eat hot and roll, shoping, play games and etc...

vanue: TESCO and TESCO/THE Curve Boarder...

Tuesday, July 20

New Hobby....Dancing

that night, it was so hard to get Samuel go to sleep. So, we played a kid songs for him..and see his action that respond to the song...heheheh...he's dancing along to the was so funny...enjoy...

Wednesday, July 14

Starship Galatica

It was a tiring day but it was fun. After had a breakfast and Kiz Sport, yet i'll meet-up with kakak ain at Starship Galatica. Same place with Kiz Sport but Starship Galacatica is at One Utama New Wing.

We having fun together same goes to Daddy and AyahChik. we'll sure daddy and Ayahchik were tired too..have to accompany us all the time..hehehehe...

two fun place in single word to describe..i'm having fun!!!!!...

Kakak Ain with her shooting style..

Ayahchik looks tired..

video games time...

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