Sunday, July 4

Rayyan's Birthday Party

Okey..enough with Argentina more sadness..last week, we when to Rayyan's 1st Birthday party @ KFC Wansa Maju...near to NZ (mamak stall) and Wangsa Walk...all folks, friend and families were there too to celebrates "the prince" Rayyan for his wonder day..

to be frank, we had a really good time that day..we eat alot...we play alot..we won prize a lot..hehehe..a lots of activities were arranged by KFC to kiddo like me..we start with enjoying our meal..then played some games...snapping with "CHICKY" and lastly enjoying birthday cakes..

it was so happy got to spend the weekend with friends and families..atok, wan, cu na, cicik and pak ngah we there too..

we were planned to stop by at wangsa walk after the event but i was really tired and fall a sleep after the event and we had to postponed the plan to other day..hehehe

me, rayyan and mummy

with pak long azam..

kakak kaseh were there too..

Rayyan tired...

with atok...

with mak long intan..

with wan and atok..

kakak kaseh and pak ngah fah..

enjoying the moment when play games..

yeay!!!..i've won prizes..

with kakak yasmin..

along danish the winner of model...hihihi

abang haikal...the shy boy..

acu naa..walk like a boy..hihii

kakak nasha..the cat walk girl..hihi

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