Wednesday, July 7

KJMC Babies Birthday Party

last weekend KJMC is organizing a birthday party for all babies who born there from January - July that's mean i'm one of them..hehehe..Abqari were there too..i'm so happy to meetup with him again...

as expected, many friends were attended to that party...meetup with new friends who same ages was one of some experience..due to the speaker, usually this event were held at KJMC but because of KJMC having some expending and upgrading, this event were changed to Hotel Singahsana PJ this time..

a lots of activities were organized and finally finished by birthday song and was unforgettable experiences...:)

me and abqari with the cakes..

during the games..

auntie izzah and uncle faiz..

me enjoying the moment..

prizes to be won..

the cakes..

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