Thursday, September 23

Hari Raya Aidilfitri at Melaka..

we was at melaka on 3rd raya..basically, org lain semua dh abis jalan we're on our own utk potong nama this time..not like recent year..kiteorg konvoi ramai2...heheh..anyway..we went tok cik denan house that was new house, so we went for visit..together with atok, wan, nek nyah and was a nice landed's daddy's type...hehehe...

balik tu we all singgah at taman alor was so lightful...nice place for we took our time to lepak sat kt sana..sempat lah snap shoot kt tugu keris...

setibanya at rumah kampung after lepak session..we're been visited by pak cik izat and he bring "fireworks" with!!!!..seronok 2 team has been created to ensure this thing works...1st team is team, all the old timer, pakcik2, makcik2 yg agak2 x larat tu..tengok jer lah...while another team we call it execute team..which they have to ensure the firework work fine with no harm to others...

well to make long story short..the firework work perfectly..cantik giler!!!!..hehehhe...well, enjoy the pics..

at tok cik denan house..

the old timer having the good time..

with daddy at tugu keris @ alor gajah..

exercute team + daddy (xder dlm pic nie)..huhhu

nie 1st team..tgk jer...

thunderflash in da house..

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