Thursday, September 23

Jalan-jalan @ Taman Bandar..

it was 2nd day of raya...that time kiteorg dah so call "potong nama" kt rumah semua relative kt kuantan..sampai rumah tok ki kt neram pn kiterorg the 2nd day is like a free n easy time for we all decided to "konon2" exercise kt taman at last yg joging..paklong ngan ayahchik jer...tu pn ayahchik joging pakai selipar..hahahaa...i was surprise kt sana masa tu rupanye time for fish feeding..teringat masa kt langkawi dulu...huhuhu...

punye lah byk ikan..and mak su lak beli roti x our fish feeding was terbantut biler roti dah abis..hahaha..there was playground too..basically it was children under 12 years old..but i'm sure you know who'll more excited when arrived at that place..heehhehe

ekjoy the pics..

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