Monday, February 28

Santapan Petang Sajian Mummy

Petang semalam kami sangat mengantuk...mungkin cuaca yg agak sepoi2 bahasa membuatkan daddy n aku tertidur petang tu...namun begitu...jeng...jeng...jeng...

mummy menjalankan projek khas di dapur...hehehe...die buat minum petang utk kiteorg..punyelah menarik...die buat cucur and sandwich...mmg terangkat...klu x percaya, tgk lah gamba bwh nie..huhuhuh

haaa...mantap kn???!!!...die masak, die snap gamba nie...multitask x??....hehehe..:p

Sunday, February 27

Flying Chillies, The Gardens Midvalley

yesterday, we went to The Garden, Midvalley to meet up uncle Nizam..then we went for lunch at restaurant name Flying's a siam's food restaurant..and we decided to have a lunch overthere...

to know the menu that we ordered..please help your self to scroll down..hehehe..

tomyam seafood..


pandan chicken...

yummy...the food so delicious...

daddy with pose segan2 konon...huhuh

steam siakap...this one mmg nice...

picture view of all dishes..

and for desert...cendol!!!!...

yeay!!!...we've done eating..let's go home..daddy nk keje petang nanti..hehehe

Saturday, February 26

An Idea of "Samuel Turn 2" Birthday Party..

March is around the corner, that means Samuel will turn to 2 soon. But we has yet to decide where to celebrate his birthday. Hmmm....clearly, we need an idea of it, the theme, the venue, the people to invite, and most important is the BUDGET $$$$...khacing!!!..khacing!!!..khacing!!!!..

as last year the theme is ROCK STAR!! clearly well organized..but for this year?????...would it be outdoor or would be nice to make it at outdoor but seems the weather has became the main factor now...if it indoor, but where's the perfect places??...

Looking at Marissa birthday batch recent was so nice, almost perfect...perfect venue, perfect theme, just not at the right time..even it was heavy rain but yet the birthday has ended nicely..

theme...theme..theme...what would it be..cartoons?? again..ohh so last year...i need new and fresh follow2 other...hehehe...jungle?? so costly..BPL/sports?? think its too Marissa done's's not an easy..

games/activities..what kind of it?? many games needed?? gift...door issue...nowdays easy to find with cheaper package...huhuhuh

well...would i go for like McD, KFC,Pizza Hut...everything is organize by them..just came and enjoy our self...hmm...let's see...

Monday, February 21

ABC Zoo Games - Fisher Price..

today i'm learning ABC with daddy..using this ABC Zoo on Fisher Price was interesting learning tools.

from every alphabet, they'll give an animal for the example for every alphabet..

like A for alligator..

they is also ABC songs..

it was so please that i've learning ABC today...thank you fisher price..thank you i know my time wont you sing with me..:)

Aroma Ikan Bakar, Jeram

look what we've does yesterday...daddy said kerja gila..hehhe..on Sunday evening..well to be specific around 7pm...we're actually heading out for dinner..and as usual, no body could think of any places..suddenly daddy said

daddy: let's go to Jeram...
mommy: do you know that place.
daddy: been there before few years back..but i'm forgot already..but let's do it..
mommy: why not!!!..:p

than daddy make a few phone calls..and he drove us to be specific we when to Aroma Ikan Bakar Restaurant...with fresh seafood..and delicious cooked by the chef..

looks what we've for the dinner...

siakap tiga rasa..

butter prawn...

ops...iklan...pose lg skali ngan daddy..:p

sotong goreng tepung..

last and not least...ketam masak cili....endup the price was so was worth it...hehehe

Tuesday, February 15

Taman Tamadun Islam

enjoy some of the pictures when we all in Taman Tamadun Islam, Kuala Terengganu...:)

saya je x ikut tema baju...:(

Monday, February 14

Tayar Meletop

on the way back from Terengganu, suddenly in the middle of nowhere...tayar kete meletop pulak..dugaan betul, dh lah tgh malam..luckly, pak ngah with us..kete byk on the road so the environment not so dark...and police patrol car siap benti tgk keadaan kiteorg...

daddy and pak ngah struggle to change the tyre, and it took about 30 minutes to change it..then walla...done..:)

boleh tahan gak kesan letupan...alhamdulillah semuanye selamat..;p

Vacation with the F'ABDUL'IOUS

last week, family abdul buat family trip to Kelantan and Terengganu...well actually pegi Kelantan tu utk menghantar Uncle Faliq kahwin..heheh..since Terengganu was on our back to kite singgah ganu benta...eheehe..kecek ganu kejap...

well, kt Kelantan, we all stay at Wakaf Che Yeh and we did enjoy the "uptown" over there..byk barang murah2 jual kt sana...especially toto...hehehe..

on the way back we all singgah Rantau Panjang...and everyone shop like hell..luckily ada free seat utk letak those stuff..hehe..

at Terengganu, we all stay at chelet and when to Taman Tamadun Islam, and many more..

surprise birthday cake for atok..hehehe..
at taman tamadun islam playgroud...
family post at taman tamadun islam..
at taj mahal..
inside the...forgot its name..hehe.

rombongan di depan bas..hehe
atok n wan..sempat posing..

it's an exciting experience..hope be back soon..;)..
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