Monday, February 21

Aroma Ikan Bakar, Jeram

look what we've does yesterday...daddy said kerja gila..hehhe..on Sunday evening..well to be specific around 7pm...we're actually heading out for dinner..and as usual, no body could think of any places..suddenly daddy said

daddy: let's go to Jeram...
mommy: do you know that place.
daddy: been there before few years back..but i'm forgot already..but let's do it..
mommy: why not!!!..:p

than daddy make a few phone calls..and he drove us to be specific we when to Aroma Ikan Bakar Restaurant...with fresh seafood..and delicious cooked by the chef..

looks what we've for the dinner...

siakap tiga rasa..

butter prawn...

ops...iklan...pose lg skali ngan daddy..:p

sotong goreng tepung..

last and not least...ketam masak cili....endup the price was so was worth it...hehehe

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