Monday, February 14

Vacation with the F'ABDUL'IOUS

last week, family abdul buat family trip to Kelantan and Terengganu...well actually pegi Kelantan tu utk menghantar Uncle Faliq kahwin..heheh..since Terengganu was on our back to kite singgah ganu benta...eheehe..kecek ganu kejap...

well, kt Kelantan, we all stay at Wakaf Che Yeh and we did enjoy the "uptown" over there..byk barang murah2 jual kt sana...especially toto...hehehe..

on the way back we all singgah Rantau Panjang...and everyone shop like hell..luckily ada free seat utk letak those stuff..hehe..

at Terengganu, we all stay at chelet and when to Taman Tamadun Islam, and many more..

surprise birthday cake for atok..hehehe..
at taman tamadun islam playgroud...
family post at taman tamadun islam..
at taj mahal..
inside the...forgot its name..hehe.

rombongan di depan bas..hehe
atok n wan..sempat posing..

it's an exciting experience..hope be back soon..;)..

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