Wednesday, March 31

Me and Alice in the Wonderland

I think this is the 7th time mummyn daddy took me to watch movie...(wondering are they movie-holic before)...but this time it’s not three of us..kakak Ain, mama nani and ayah cik “lah” also joining us...we watch it at cenelaisure at e@curve ,kota damansara...nearby to our house only..hehehe..daddy used to said, now no need to go to KL...we can get everything tengok movie pn x keluar kawasan qariah sendiri..heheh...

It’s one of the un-forgetable experiance..usually i’m kindda alone watching movie coz xder geng..but this time, kakak Ain is accompany was so fun..with wearing my birthday suite gave by paklong “mudee” , maklong “mak pah” n’s keep me warm in cold soroundings..

Then we when for dinner at Kenny Rogers Roaster (KRR) was so nice...enjoy the picture snap by daddy (as usual)...hehehe

Tooth Brush

What is that??? Why ppl brush their teeth?? I wonder why ppl dont just wash their tooth using washing machine?? Hehehhehe.... today, mummy had introduce me with future so call life’s call tooth brush..mummy said that it can protect us..what!!! protect??? I can protect my self what??...hehehe...just’s to protect our teeth from plaque...and what is that???..mummy n daddy had become weirdo lately...hehehe...
Do i’ve to care about that?? Yes..not only me but all kiddo in the world..mummy said, if we want to have a wonderful n beautiful teeth, we’ve to take care of it and brush it every day..
So, they bough me the tooth brush (cap oralB and siap ada mickey mouse tuuu...nk pancing lebih laa tu...macam lah i suke sgt mickey mouse tu..hehehe). anyway, mummy start demonsrating how to bursh teeth while daddy as usual sanp sana n sini (x abis2..huhuhu)’s look cute to see mummy demonstrated it..make me want to do it to...hehehe..
So just to share with you guys..the moment of my first time of brushing my teeth...hehehe...enjoy...:)..

Thursday, March 25

Meeting with Abqari

Last week..mummy n daddy took me to KJMC for my 1 year injection...i was so scared..while waiting for my turn..suddenly, i saw my Abqari..yes Abqari..he is auntie Izzah son who is mummy officemate..we're playing was so fun..we played like hell!!!!'s like we're at our own world..we communicate with our own body could understand it...hahahahaha...please enjoy our photo together snaped by mummy..

Wednesday, March 24

it's my birthday......

I was so exited today..because it’s my birthday....hoooraayyy!!!!!!...wonder what i’m gonna get as present from mummy and daddy..after mummy n daddy pick me up, they took me to PJ..i tought it was a surprise party’s a surprise birthday cake that they’ve ordered for me...yeah...

Than mummy n daddy took me to celebrate my birthday at cafe rozali...atok , wan, pak ngan, cicik, cu na were there was special night for me..i was so happy...heehehe..

my birthday's ELMO cup cake!!!!...

posing baek with daddy n wan...

mummy n me....

ready to blow the candle..'s was so exciting....see my face....hehehe

1st present form mummy n daddy..

2nd present form mummy n daddy...

present from atok n wan...

snap an pic in front of the cafe...

chill out with wan...

Tuesday, March 23


My name is Muhammad Sheth Samuel. I was born on 11th March 2009, that’s mean I’m already 1 years old..yeay!!!! and born in Klang Velley has made me a metropolitan kid…ehehehe…just kidding…I’m just a regular kid same as other kids out there..
With working parent, I’ve almost spend my day time with “mak” (babysitter)…on the night shift I’ll make sure mummy and daddy spending a beautiful and happier moment everyday with me…
Too many moments had happen to me and my family..It is a pleasure to share with you guys…and this is MY STORY…
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