Wednesday, March 31

Tooth Brush

What is that??? Why ppl brush their teeth?? I wonder why ppl dont just wash their tooth using washing machine?? Hehehhehe.... today, mummy had introduce me with future so call life’s call tooth brush..mummy said that it can protect us..what!!! protect??? I can protect my self what??...hehehe...just’s to protect our teeth from plaque...and what is that???..mummy n daddy had become weirdo lately...hehehe...
Do i’ve to care about that?? Yes..not only me but all kiddo in the world..mummy said, if we want to have a wonderful n beautiful teeth, we’ve to take care of it and brush it every day..
So, they bough me the tooth brush (cap oralB and siap ada mickey mouse tuuu...nk pancing lebih laa tu...macam lah i suke sgt mickey mouse tu..hehehe). anyway, mummy start demonsrating how to bursh teeth while daddy as usual sanp sana n sini (x abis2..huhuhu)’s look cute to see mummy demonstrated it..make me want to do it to...hehehe..
So just to share with you guys..the moment of my first time of brushing my teeth...hehehe...enjoy...:)..

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