Wednesday, March 31

Me and Alice in the Wonderland

I think this is the 7th time mummyn daddy took me to watch movie...(wondering are they movie-holic before)...but this time it’s not three of us..kakak Ain, mama nani and ayah cik “lah” also joining us...we watch it at cenelaisure at e@curve ,kota damansara...nearby to our house only..hehehe..daddy used to said, now no need to go to KL...we can get everything tengok movie pn x keluar kawasan qariah sendiri..heheh...

It’s one of the un-forgetable experiance..usually i’m kindda alone watching movie coz xder geng..but this time, kakak Ain is accompany was so fun..with wearing my birthday suite gave by paklong “mudee” , maklong “mak pah” n’s keep me warm in cold soroundings..

Then we when for dinner at Kenny Rogers Roaster (KRR) was so nice...enjoy the picture snap by daddy (as usual)...hehehe

1 comment:

  1. baiknyer anak mummy tgk week ajak daddy lagi yer..mummy pun nak ikut..hehehe..


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