Monday, June 14

Birthday Party @ Wan's & Atok's...'s been a month i'm not updating this blog..hope you all are well over there...there's so many things has happen this past months but i don't really have a time to share it with you....but i'm back!!!!!!...ehehehe..

so many memories that i really wanna share with you guys...ok laa...let's start with birthday celebration at Wan & Atok's may ppl were there and presents toooo...hehehhe...

thx to all the relative like wan, atok, uncles and aunties and cousins many names i wanna to type here but i'll let you know later...special thx to who gimme the wonderful present and to mummy and daddy...thx for's so nice...

well, no more talks okey...let's see the pics and enjoy!!!....

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