Monday, June 21

Father's Day @ i-City

after a day thinking about father's day celebration besides a kiss and hug to beloved daddy, me and mummy decided to celebrate a special moment of the day with daddy at i-city, shah alam...ppl talk here and there but the truth, we never knew it was existed...hehehe...

after mummy finish-up all the works...daddy started the engine and drove us the i-City..yeayyy!!!! excited i'm, i never sleep at all the to there..the moment we're at the junction of i-city, i already saw the lights..beautiful's like a city of was beautiful and speechless...

guess what?? a day b4 school started, still there was many ppl enjoying the view and environment wth their, there was also a big scree showing worldcup game..there was a big trees with colorfull light ...

after spent about 2 hour there with free n easy activities...snap here and there...we all became tired and decided to go home...and as you can guess, i sleep all the back..heheh...enjoy the pics..

p/s: it's a little bit blur coz it was captured by daddy's blackberry...


  1. wah bestnya. Wikend ni nak ajak mama n papa pi lah

  2. best kakak ain...byr rm2 jer..tu pn utk byr parking...eheh..byk lampu lawa2...dh rase cm oversea panas sket sbb lampu2 tu panas...heheheh.....

  3. hehehe..xper..kakak ain jalan lah slow2 ngan mama...


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