Monday, June 14

New "Mclaren" more...:(

it was a great feeling and the best present i've ever have but today it was no more..what is it??...hmmm...sedey aku nk citer...okey lah...this is the story..daddy n mummy has bought me a new stroller...Mclaren beb...Mclaren...

i believe u know the was no more...coz daddy has forgotten to keep inside the car after we shop at Giant Kota Damansara..yes, it just left over there...and for sure it missing...uuuwwwaaaaaaa...i was so sad..but ape nk buat..jodoh x panjang..hehehe

just wanna share wth u guys..the day we bought the stroller..daddy bring us for dinner at Fish Manhattan @ Mid Valley Megamall...

enjoy the pics...:(

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